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Friday, July 1, 2011


Today I am remembering when we initially felt in our hearts that the Holy Spirit was leading us to adopt three children. We made a list of all the things that we would need to have money for. The most expensive on the list was a car that would seat seven and three plane tickets. Within two months a friend told us that they too had been adopted and offered to pay for the flights. Within a month of that we had one car flooded and totaled and then our second car totaled. So we went ahead and bought a mini van. And Erica called to tell us that someone we did not know wanted to give us a car. Since we received insurance money for the car that was flooded we ended up with two vehicles that were better than the two we had before, including the seven seater car we were able to scratch off the list of needs. I remember more than a couple of amazing people had a yard sale for us with donated items. They used their time and efforts to raise over 1000 dollars and a mini van was donated. I remember that when we had to make several international trips another couple gave us a check for $10,000. And then again after submitting all of our expensive paperwork and traveling twice each we decided that I should return a third time. We did not try to raise money but a couple felt the desire to give and decided to send a check. When I received the total left to owe on the trip it matched the check amount exactly! I remember when people we did not know began coming out of the woodwork to adopt children from the same place as us and had such a heart for this country. Crazy people who are adopting when it was not their plan but saw a need and decided that children are more important than nice houses and vacations. I have heard the similarities in the stories of how we came to these conclusions and can only deduce that it is a movement of God himself that all these families are being called at the same time and in the same way. So here we are, a growing list of families joined in the cause of Sierra Leone, awaiting a way. Everything we have tried has been shot down so far but we are sure that these children are supposed to come home with us. We are running towards the Red Sea with the hope and expectation that God will part it.


  1. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us RUN with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith..." - Heb 12:1-2

  2. thanks for the wonderful reminder that we are called....I actually had a bit of doubt this week in the midst of praying like a mad women! Crying now Heather. This is so hard!

  3. So proud of you and Andrew and all of the amazing couples who have faithfully answered God's call to adopt these precious children. God will bring them home in his good time. In the meantime, I know that you will all keep fighing and standing in the gap for your children. We are praying! Love you!!
